Leeds Castle Wedding

Two wedding blog posts in as many days. Such efficiency! But 2013 is upon us and I've yet to tell you all about 2012..... Here's Yui and Aki at the fabulous Leeds Castle, their first wedding of two, the next one is at home in Japan. But they'll be luck to beat the weather we had in Kent...

Hi David,

 It's been almost a month since our wedding at the castle but still we talk about the day almost everyday.

Huge thank you for taking such amazing photos. We've been looking through them more than 10 times today as they are so lovely and clearly remind us of our the day. 

All of us including our family and guests loved your photos and we are very proud of your images when showing off to our friends and colleagues here in Japan!

- Akihiro Ueda


a wedding at the gherkin and the savoy


botleys mansion wedding