Somerset House Wedding Photography, with Simon and Jo

Jo and Simon are serious foodies, and had several fantastic surprises planned for their wedding guests at Somerset House. I'd never seen desserts delivered like this!

After the fabulous dinner there was just time for some Somerset House Christmas ice skating before the dancing kicked-off. Simon and friends are antipodeans, so for some it was their first time on the ice!

Jo sent me a very kind note after the wedding:

Hi David,

I cannot thank you enough! You have captured the whole day perfectly and there are so many moments when I didn't even know you were there but you somehow got the most beautiful shots. We are absolutely thrilled!

We would love to have a few albums made - with as many photos as possible! Could you let me know the costs for the largest album you do (for us), and then perhaps four smaller ones for relatives - would it work to have the same design for all of them if we select 130 images? 

Thank you again - the photos have totally surpassed our expectations and we will treasure them. 

Kind regards,



Thanks Jo!



Belair House Wedding Photography, Dulwich


Chandos House Wedding Photography